Our powerful tool provides the perfect solution to finding
topically relevant keywords that help your site rank highly in Google.


Discover LSI keywords that are just right for your topic.


Improve your content by including related words.


 Gain ranking improvements for your website

Search engine technology is becoming ever more sophisticated and it is no longer good enough just to repeat one or two keywords a few times in your content – modern search engines will quickly filter out content such as this, meaning your page will rank much further down.

It is a well-known fact that most clicks come from the first page on a Google search, and if your site is hidden away on page four or five, your business will be seriously handicapped.

By using our tool to discover the LSI keywords you need for your content, you are ensuring your site will rank much more highly when people search for terms relevant to your business – and in the modern world of SEO, this big advantage over your competitors is a vital key to success.


LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing – LSI keywords are words that naturally occur together in texts about any given topic.

Imagine an article where the main keyword is “flight” – in such an article, you would probably expect to find related words such as “plane”, “ticket”, “seat” and so on. These are LSI keywords. They are words related to the main topic that you would expect to find in the text.

LSI keywords are important in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) because they help search engines identify the real topic of a text.

Again, take our example of the main keyword “flight”. Before, we were assuming that the text would include words relating to travelling – but a text containing the word “flight” could equally be a scientific article about seabirds. In this case, we might expect a whole set of other words to occur, including things like “egg”, “nesting” “cliff” and so on.

The English language is full of words that have two or more meanings and making sure a text includes enough LSI keywords is how we ensure a search engine knows what the text is really talking about. By including LSI keywords like “plane” and “ticket”, we are making sure a search engine knows our text is about planes rather than seabirds.

And this is what makes certain that a text rank highly in searches.

Long tail keywords are different from LSI keywords but are also important if we want to improve the ranking of a page.

Basically, long tail keywords are groups of words that occur together, for example “cheap flights to Europe”. This type of keyword is much more specific, and if somebody searches for specific long tail keywords that appear on your page, it will be much easier for your page to rank highly.

Furthermore, when somebody clicks onto your page, the conversion rate will be much higher since they are much more likely to find exactly what they are looking for.

The key to ranking highly is to include a good mix of LSI keywords and long tail keywords. Search engines look for text that appears “natural”. In simple terms, this means they take the main keyword and search for other terms that would be expected in an text on that topic. If you enter “flight” into a search engine and that search engine finds an article with lots of examples of the word “flight” but none of the other LSI keywords you would expect, that text will not seem “natural” and so will be ranked lower.

At the same time, you need to include long tail keywords to guide traffic to your site. The number of hits from long tail keywords will be lower – you will receive a lower volume of traffic – but it will be higher value. When coupled with a high number of LSI keywords that make the text seem a natural fit for the search, your site will automatically rank very highly, and you will find that the volume of high-value traffic to your site is greatly increased.

This is why using LSI keywords in your content is an incredibly powerful tool in directing valuable high-value traffic to your site – and something no site can now afford to do without.